How to free memory using Java Unsafe, using a Java reference? -

How to free memory using Java Unsafe, using a Java reference? -

java unsafe class allows allocate memory object follows, using method how free memory allocated when finished, not provide memory address...

field f = unsafe.class.getdeclaredfield("theunsafe"); //internal reference f.setaccessible(true); unsafe unsafe = (unsafe) f.get(null); //this creates instance of player class without initialization player p = (player) unsafe.allocateinstance(player.class);

is there way of accessing memory address object reference, maybe integer returned default hashcode implementation work, do...


doesn't seem right how...

"memory address" of object reference not create sense since objects can move across java heap. you cannot explicitly free space allocated unsafe.allocateinstance, because space belongs java heap, , garbage collector can free it. if want own memory management outside java heap, may utilize unsafe.allocatememory / unsafe.freememory methods. deal raw memory addresses represented long. memory not java objects.

java memory-management jvm directmemory
