css - Why do a lot of social networks / community sites use full width design or changed to it? -

css - Why do a lot of social networks / community sites use full width design or changed to it? -

i saw new social network utilize total width designs, twitter changed total width, why improve average design fixed container placed center?

it's not matter of beingness improve or worse, it's matter of selection , how website benefits it. when see full-width website it's responsive social networks websites not responsive because have m.sites , apps back upwards mobile counterpart. in cases, have partially responsive socialnetworks websites. twitter partially responsive, have total width cover photo (that doesn't create website responsive because fills 100% width) , semi-fixed body

twitter desktop accomodates screensizes around 1048px wide, when on screen smaller that, on tablet or smartphone, , if open twitter browser on phone, instantly redirected https://mobile.twitter.com/ , prompted download twitter app.

in conclusion, it's , want/need accomplish web project matters. it's not improve or worse.

hope helps

css design social-networking


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