soundchannel - Actionscript 3: more than one sound channel possible? -

soundchannel - Actionscript 3: more than one sound channel possible? -

my problem having several buttons in flash play sounds when clicked, , want 1 button/sound active @ time. problem if mouse button released outside of flash window lastly button's sound keeps sounding til end, , if button pressed in meantime starts sounding simultaneously, , on.

so thought of checking if soundchannel assigned other button pressed 1 playing, , if so, stop soundchannel allow current button's soundchannel play.

but if actionscript soundchannel single object buttons, won't work, , don't see solution preventing multiple sounds sounding simultaneously other adding 'warning' box, seems redundant , ineffective. can have separate soundchannel each button or object in flash movie, otherwise how can bulletproof 1 button sound can sound @ 1 time no matter mouse released, within or outside of flash window?

can set buttons in container , addeventlistener mouseevent.mouse_up , in handler check if cursor outside container so:

private static function onmousedownoutside(event:mouseevent) : void { var mousedowninsidecomponent : boolean = false; mousedowninsidecomponent = yourcontainer.hittestpoint(event.stagex, event.stagey, false); if (!mousedowninsidecomponent) { //stop sound } }

and stop sound when gets out of container? seems possible workaround.

actionscript soundchannel


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