C/C++ reading line at a time -

C/C++ reading line at a time -

i trying solve programming problem of site , 1 had next statement:

read string , parse number, char 'l' can considered number 1 , chars 'o' , 'o' can considered number 0, commas , spaces accepted in input ignored, if other character found output error...

so... since there can spaces in lines, used gets (the documentation says removes new line , puts terminator)...

my sequence of if test if number, if acceptable letter, checks if not comma or space... , found out entering in lastly if though there wasn't character should lead there changed printf within print

printf("%d error", st[k]);

and outputs 13: carriage return... tried compiler here

#include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <cstdlib> int main() { char st[100]; char buf[100]; int k, i; long long int num; ops: while(gets(st)) { for(k = = 0; st[k]; k++) if(st[k] >= '0' && st[k] <= '9') buf[i++] = st[k]; else if(st[k] == 'o' || st[k] == 'o') buf[i++] = '0'; else if(st[k] == 'l') buf[i++] = '1'; else if(st[k] != ',' && st[k] != ' ') { printf("error\n"); goto ops; } // remaining code comes here... }

the input sample had next lilnes:

lo6 234,657

hi ,,,,,5,,5, 4



should utilize other function read instead?

any suggestions on how avoid damn carriage return?

the statemente problem can seen here if want more detail thanks


i'm asking because there seem difference between compiler i'm using , compiler website using, 1 time submitted code wasn't generating right output on mine thought code correct... , passed. after it, tried code on linux virtual machine , right gcc on windows failed... characters away should be

the thing is:

the preferred method of line input getline. if not know width of input beforehand, getline allocate space if set buffer pointer null.

since indicate have experience in c, next show how step through input string , parse in manner want. while there many ways handle parsing strings, hard beat assigning pointer origin of string , advancing downwards string until reach null-terminating character (unsigned 0, or char '\0'). if have questions after looking over, ask:

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { char *buffer = null; size_t n = 0; ssize_t len; char *ptr = null; char *output = null; int idx = 0; printf ("\nenter string below: ([ctrl + d] on blank line end)\n"); while ((len = getline (&buffer, &n, stdin)) != -1) { ptr = buffer; idx = 0; output = malloc (sizeof (char) * len); while (*ptr != 0) { if (*ptr >= 48 && *ptr <= 57) output [idx++] = *ptr; if (*ptr == 'i') output [idx++] = '1'; if (*ptr == 'o' || *ptr == 'o') output [idx++] = '0'; ptr++; } output [idx] = 0; printf ("\n valid output: %s\n\n", output); free (output); } homecoming 0; }


enter string below: ([ctrl + d] on blank line end) sting has 12345 aeiou aeiou,,,,,commas, , 99, end. valid output: 123450100990

c++ c carriage-return


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