osx - What is the proper way to have my MonoMac app autostart? -

osx - What is the proper way to have my MonoMac app autostart? -

the problem

i'm developing mac menu bar synchronization app xamarin studio 5.0.1, .net 4.5 on mac. there preferences ui other configuration , menubar item not ui centric (just google drive, dropbox, backblaze, etc). need automatically start (autostart) app. comparison, google drive's sync app runs in menu bar describes autostart alternative "start google drive automatically when start computer". whether launches with computer (as state) or @ login presumed, cannot say. other similar question , incomplete answer, i've not seen monomac or xamarin specific topic on how register app automatic startup.


the following plist appears designed configure app auto startup. need phone call launchd myself? have rights?

what want

how monomac app in list other apps do? ps, plan on releasing via app store if deployment part of answer.

osx mono xamarin monomac xamarin.mac


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