java - maven-jar-plugin does not generate MANIFEST -

java - maven-jar-plugin does not generate MANIFEST -

i cant generate manifest file using maven... seek , didnt find solution. jar file generate correct, manifest missing.

this part of pom.xml:

<plugin> <groupid>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupid> <artifactid>maven-jar-plugin</artifactid> <version>2.4</version> <configuration> <usedefaultmanifestfile> true </usedefaultmanifestfile> <!-- archive> <manifest> <mainclass>net.menago.core.main.menago</mainclass> </manifest> </archive --> <!-- archive> <index>true</index> <manifest> <addclasspath>true</addclasspath> </manifest> <manifestentries> <mode>development</mode> <url>${project.url}</url> <key>value</key> </manifestentries> </archive--> </configuration> </plugin>

as can see there commented codes not work too. i've tried mvn clean install, compile, package...

thanks advice!

may work

<configuration> <archive> <manifest> <mainclass>net.menago.core.main.menago</mainclass> <index>true</index> <addclasspath>true</addclasspath> <manifestentries> <mode>development</mode> <url>${project.url}</url> <key>value</key> </manifestentries> </manifest> </archive> </configuration>

java maven-3


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