user interface - PowerShell button click event scriptblock not working -

user interface - PowerShell button click event scriptblock not working -

i working on gui several tabpages. there within each tabpage several buttons should 'do'

so defined $..onclick={..} in illustration write - doesn't work. please what's wrong?

here total illustration shows button check 1 in dialog, button isn't working @ all:

class="lang-powershell prettyprint-override">function guibutton ($window,$todo,[string]$name="butty",[string]$text="butty", [int]$x=300,[int]$y=200,[int]$w=75,[int]$h=23) { $button = new-object $button.location = new-object system.drawing.size($x,$y) $button.size = new-object system.drawing.size($w,$h) $ = $name $button.text = $text $button.add_click( { $todo } ) $window.controls.add($button) } #generated form function function generateform { #region import assemblies [reflection.assembly]::loadwithpartialname("system.drawing") | out-null [reflection.assembly]::loadwithpartialname("") | out-null #region generated form objects $mainmenu = new-object $initialformwindowstate = new-object #buttons $testtaba = new-object $exit = new-object $tabcontrol = new-object #misc items $progressbar = new-object $statusbar = new-object #tabs $tabcontrol = new-object $tabtesta = new-object #---------------------------------------------- #generated event script blocks #---------------------------------------------- #provide custom code events specified in primalforms. #unknown $handler_mainmenu_load = $onloadform_statecorrection= { $mainmenu.windowstate = $initialformwindowstate } #buttons $testtaba_onclick = { $tabcontrol.selecttab($tabtesta) } $exit_onclick={ write-host "bye-bye" $mainmenu.close() } $system_drawing_size = new-object system.drawing.size $system_drawing_size.height = 474 $system_drawing_size.width = 665 $mainmenu.font = new-object system.drawing.font("mistral",8.25,0,3,0) # schriftart festlegen $mainmenu.clientsize = $system_drawing_size $mainmenu.databindings.defaultdatasourceupdatemode = 0 $ = "mainmenu" $mainmenu.text = "test gui" $mainmenu.topmost = $true $mainmenu.add_load($handler_form1_load) # == fix-trade button == # $ = "testtaba" $testtaba.text = "test taba" $testtaba.tabindex = 2 $testtaba.usevisualstylebackcolor = $true $testtaba.add_click($testtaba_onclick) $testtaba.databindings.defaultdatasourceupdatemode = 0 $system_drawing_point = new-object system.drawing.point $system_drawing_point.x = 12 $system_drawing_point.y = 69 $testtaba.location = $system_drawing_point $system_drawing_size = new-object system.drawing.size $system_drawing_size.height = 35 $system_drawing_size.width = 100 $testtaba.size = $system_drawing_size $mainmenu.controls.add($testtaba) # == exit button == # $ = "exit" $exit.text = "exit" $exit.tabindex = 7 $exit.usevisualstylebackcolor = $true $exit.add_click($exit_onclick) $exit.databindings.defaultdatasourceupdatemode = 0 $system_drawing_point = new-object system.drawing.point $system_drawing_point.x = 12 $system_drawing_point.y = 274 $exit.location = $system_drawing_point $system_drawing_size = new-object system.drawing.size $system_drawing_size.height = 35 $system_drawing_size.width = 100 $exit.size = $system_drawing_size $mainmenu.controls.add($exit) # == tab command == # $ = "tabcontrol" $tabcontrol.tabindex = 4 $tabcontrol.selectedindex = 0 $tabcontrol.databindings.defaultdatasourceupdatemode = 0 $system_drawing_point = new-object system.drawing.point $system_drawing_point.x = 118 $system_drawing_point.y = 70 $tabcontrol.location = $system_drawing_point $system_drawing_size = new-object system.drawing.size $system_drawing_size.height = 374 $system_drawing_size.width = 535 $tabcontrol.size = $system_drawing_size # add together next tabcontrol property-setting section: $tabsizemode = new-object $tabsizemode = "fixed" $tabcontrol.sizemode =$tabsizemode $tabcontrol.itemsize = new-object system.drawing.size(0, 1) $tabappearance = new-object $tabappearance = "buttons" $tabcontrol.appearance = $tabappearance $mainmenu.controls.add($tabcontrol) $check1button_onclick = { write-host "check1-click, mach was.. " } # == trade tab == # $tabtesta.databindings.defaultdatasourceupdatemode = 0 $ = "testtaba" $system_drawing_point = new-object system.drawing.point $system_drawing_point.x = 4 $system_drawing_point.y = 22 $tabtesta.location = $system_drawing_point $system_drawing_size = new-object system.drawing.size $system_drawing_size.height = 205 $system_drawing_size.width = 445 $tabtesta.size = $system_drawing_size $tabtesta.tabindex = 2 $tabtesta.text = "tab2" $tabtesta.usevisualstylebackcolor = $true # name txt x y w h guibutton $tabtesta $check1button_onclick "check1" "check 1" 10 20 75 23 $tabcontrol.controls.add($tabtesta) # == progress bar == # $progressbar.databindings.defaultdatasourceupdatemode = 0 $system_drawing_point = new-object system.drawing.point $system_drawing_point.x = 589 $system_drawing_point.y = 458 $progressbar.location = $system_drawing_point $ = "progressbar" $system_drawing_size = new-object system.drawing.size $system_drawing_size.height = 15 $system_drawing_size.width = 75 $progressbar.size = $system_drawing_size $progressbar.tabindex = 0 $mainmenu.controls.add($progressbar) # == status bar == # $statusbar.databindings.defaultdatasourceupdatemode = 0 $system_drawing_point = new-object system.drawing.point $system_drawing_point.x = 0 $system_drawing_point.y = 456 $statusbar.location = $system_drawing_point $ = "statusbar" $system_drawing_size = new-object system.drawing.size $system_drawing_size.height = 18 $system_drawing_size.width = 665 $statusbar.size = $system_drawing_size $statusbar.tabindex = 1 $statusbar.text = "statusbar - text..." $statusbar.add_panelclick($statusbar_panelclick) $mainmenu.controls.add($statusbar) #to show tabs switching correctly, add: $tabtesta.backcolor = "white" # == save , open form == # $initialformwindowstate = $mainmenu.windowstate $mainmenu.add_load($onloadform_statecorrection) $mainmenu.showdialog()| out-null } #end function #call function generateform

if start gui dialog appears, if click on button should write-host ".." nil happens :(

you wrapping passed in scriptblock in scriptblock. alter line:




you might want specify type of $todo scriptblock.

function guibutton($window,[scriptblock]$todo,[string]$name="butty",[string]$text="butty", ...

in future, should seek problem script downwards minimum possible script duplicates problem. happened spot problem @ top of script.

powershell user-interface


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