AngularJS add ng-model at compile time -

AngularJS add ng-model at compile time -

i have created directive called click-to-edit

you utilize like


where $scope.somevalue=7;

i have since realized need utilize ngmodel controller, , easier if recompile directive , add together ng-model="somevalue" template. im having problem doing giving me error

"error: [$compile:ctreq] controller 'ngmodel', required directive 'clicktoedit', can't found!"

this because have


this snippet of code far

return { restrict: 'a', replace: true, require: 'ngmodel', priority: 100, compile: function(telement, tattrs, transclude) { // right ngmodel isolate scope tattrs.$set('ngmodel', tattrs.clicktoedit, false); } homecoming { post: linkfn }; }, scope: { dp: '=?', type: '@', fn: '=?', //<--- formula editfn:'&?' // if want execute function on valid save, add together }

what want do, take directive looks like

<click-to-edit="model"/> , alter to

<click-to-edit="model" ng-model="model"/>

and have compile , work expected.

let me know if need other code.

i'm not sure if you've considered - why not do:

<click-to-edit ng-model="model"/>

to reply original question, suggest adding body directive:

.directive('body', function() { homecoming { restrict: 'e', compile: function(element, attr) { $('[click-to-edit]', element).attr('ng-model', 'model'); } } })

plunker here



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