protocol buffers - ServiceStack ProtoBuff Serialization to custom stream -

protocol buffers - ServiceStack ProtoBuff Serialization to custom stream -

a few days ago posted question serializing responsestatus property binaryformatter. mythz pointed out wasnt fastest way go, decided switch formatter. tried protobuff , msgpack, , on protobuf now.

my real question is: im trying grasp how protobuf knows how servicestack dto's should serialized. tried adding possible attributes existing dto, protocontract , protomember(0,1,2,3,etc), datacontract , datamember.

on top of dont utilize servicestack's own client, seek serialize request existing stream.

if dont this:

servicestack.protobuf.protobufformat.model.add (typeof(namespaceplaceholder.service.dto.getnodes), false);

i error types , contracts cannot infered, if add together piece of code, continues great, deserialized object empty.

im using serialize:

servicestack.protobuf.protobufformat.model.serialize (ms, myobject);

and deserialize:

servicestack.protobuf.protobufformat.model.deserialize (ms, null, deserializationtype);

i think im missing here. have namespaces? looked code servicestack.protobuff, isnt hard understand, cannot going.

things unclear me now:

is there need add together attributes existing dto's ? (in protobuf v2 can in code, read, can alter existing dto's) do need initialize request(and response) dto's, in client(serialize) wel in server(deserialize) is there reason why should not serializing own stream ?

many thanks,

i hate post reply myself, means havent searched plenty in first place

i learned next attributes important:

[protocontract] [protomember(x)] [protoinclude(x,typeof(derivingclass))]

for learned new: why class inheritance in dto's not advisable.

i've got going now, , seek create real-life friendly..

servicestack protocol-buffers


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