debugging - segmentation fault sigsegv stops under gdb -

debugging - segmentation fault sigsegv stops under gdb -

i'm working big simulation code runs in parallel. user writes code initialize simulation , whole programme runs. i'm getting seg fault (sigsegv) when using more 3 processors, , doesn't happen when run under gdb. have used gdb, or parallel codes in general. how can debug such problem? kind of problem stop happening when using gdb?


to utilize gdb, did:

mpiexec -np 4 xterm -e gdb <program>

then 4 xterms opened, , said run in each one... code executed normally. running,

mpiexec -np 4 <program>

and get:

program received signal sigsegv: segmentation fault - invalid memory reference. backtrace error: programme received signal sigsegv: segmentation fault - invalid memory reference. backtrace error: #0 0x113a1170d #1 0x113a11c1b #2 0x113edf5a9 #0 0x11122d70d #1 0x11122dc1b #2 0x1116d95a9 #3 0x10d1e9a44 #4 0x10d25c201 #5 0x10d1cb2ea #6 0x10d1b3df4 #7 0x10d36e1f3 #3 0x10f9d4a44 #4 0x10fa47201 #5 0x10f9b62ea #6 0x10f99edf4 #7 0x10fb591f3

i compiled makefile's preset 'debug' options:

fflags_debug = -ggdb -c -o0 -fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8 \ -pedantic -wall -waliasing \ -wsurprising -wconversion -wunderflow \ -ffpe-trap=invalid,zero,overflow -fbounds-check \ -fimplicit-none -fstack-protector-all

debugging parallel-processing gdb fortran mpi
