- Error when trying to run a stored procedure from my C# code - - Error when trying to run a stored procedure from my C# code -

i have next stored procedure:

create procedure listquestionids @examid int begin select question.questionuid objective inner bring together objectivedetail on ( objective.objectiveid = objectivedetail.objectiveid ) inner bring together objectivetopic on ( objectivedetail.objectivedetailid = objectivetopic.objectivedetailid ) inner bring together problem on ( objectivetopic.subtopicid = problem.subtopicid ) inner bring together question on ( problem.problemid = question.problemid ) objective.examid = @examid; end;

i using ef6.1 , have db context. here how trying phone call stored procedure:

var b = db.database.sqlquery<string>("dbo.listquestionids", 1);

it's giving me error saying expects parameter @examid none supplied.

can tell me doing wrong?

this should solve problem

db.database.sqlquery<string>("dbo.listquestionids @examid", new sqlparameter { parametername = "examid", value = 1 });

c# sql-server entity-framework
