java - org.eclipse.core.expressions.definitions doesn't work with equals -

java - org.eclipse.core.expressions.definitions doesn't work with equals -

i'm starting out with eclipse e4 swt , have problem core expressions.

i'm trying set core look optionally display popup menu items treeview.

when define look instanceof myobject, works fine; menu item displays if instanceof myobject, doesn't show when instance of other object.

i tried show menu item equals value , can't work.

the menu item won't show @ all, when value correct. have integer range form 0 4 want show menu items particular integer value.

i've tried comparing value integer , string no menu items show, yet when alter instanceof integer or string, display.

can tell me how equals supposed work?

equals work objects of type string, boolean, integer or float. illustration ant editor:

class="lang-xml prettyprint-override"><extension point="org.eclipse.core.expressions.definitions"> <definition id="org.eclipse.ant.ui.activeanteditor"> <with variable="activeeditorid"> <equals value="org.eclipse.ant.ui.internal.editor.anteditor"> </equals> </with> </definition> </extension>

this testing variable activeeditorid string , matching string value 'org.eclipse.ant.ui.internal.editor.anteditor'.

variables such current selection not 1 of supported types 'equals' homecoming false.

java eclipse swt expression e4
