MATLAB - Force quit (CTRL+C) not working? -

MATLAB - Force quit (CTRL+C) not working? -

i run pretty computationally expensive genetic algorithm matlab. code has been running 3 whole days, , pretty sure gets stuck somewhere, because not printing out progress info debugging purpose.

i wish stop it. did ctrl+c, no luck. bottom left of window still displays "busy".

i cannot quit whole matlab, because need find out gets stuck inspecting variables in variable window.

given ctrl+c not working, how can i

stop execution, or save variables inspection purpose?

sometimes ctrl-c stops working if have memory over-allocation problem -- if trying allocate matrix doesn't fit in memory, , virtual memory begins thrashing.

it's crtl-c won't work while execution passed comsol.

i think have little selection kill matlab , seek debug either stepping through code or inserting fprintf statements.



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