Use cloud as mirror to download R package -
Use cloud as mirror to download R package - i'm using r version 2.15.1 on mepis 12. trying install bundle called languager (along 3 more, see below), used in book analyzing linguistic info (r.h.baayen). problem this: > install.packages("languager",repos = "") installing package(s) ‘/home/nalerive/r/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/2.15’ (as ‘lib’ unspecified) warning in install.packages : bundle ‘languager’ not available (for r version 2.15.1) upgrading not option, unless it's really necessary (i want work lme4 well, have, have no experience in r version yet). so, sent email author , asked him do. reply was: if select cloud mirror, should able install languager, , separately e1071 (it lives on cran), successor of design (rms), , ape (it lives on cran) my question is, then, cloud mirror , can find it? help highly appreciated! languager has r (≥ 3.0.2) in depends (see the cran page). preferably up...